Stay up to date on industry-related news with Hard Hat Hunter. Here are 5 stories to check out today.
1. Zero Mass’ solar panels turn air into drinking water
This Arizona start up has designed solar panels that pull moisture from the air and treat it to make safe drinking water.
2. ‘New era’: Canadian mining industry closely watching three civil cases alleging human rights abuses
The United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights has recommended that the Canadian Government ““set out clear expectations for Canadian companies operating overseas” after it reported multiple cases of human rights abuses by Canadian mining companies overseas.
3. The Oil Information Cartel Is (Finally) Broken
The team has created a free database of previously unavailable live oil price chart.
4. Vancouver Island Construction workers add overdose treatment to tool kits
Reports of “higher rates of overdose deaths among the construction trades in the U.S. and Canada.” have prompted the Vancouver Island construction industry to act. They have been conducting workshops where workers are taught how to save people from opioid overdoses.
5. How Seattle coordinates road construction projects
The City is now using an app with current and planned projects to identify opportunities for coordination and potential conflicts.
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