When working alongside traffic there are many hazards to be aware of; which often varies on location and conditions. As a supervisor, ensure that all staff members are aware of potential hazards that may occur and as an employee be sure that your supervisor has informed you of potential dangers....
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Fatigue, as defined by the Mayo Clinic, is a state where a person experiences “unrelenting exhaustion” that impacts his/her energy levels, motivation, and concentration. Symptoms of fatigue include, but are not limited to: Lack of energy Inability to pay attention Feeling tired after sleeping Trouble concentrating Trouble speaking Because fatigue...
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Hammer drills are rotary drills that provide a short, rapid hammer action. When equipped with a masonry bit, hammer drills can be used to drill into concrete, brick, mortar, or concrete. Personal Protective Equipment Be sure to wear the appropriate safety gear to protect yourself when operating a hammer drill....
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Scaffolding is a temporary structure typically used on the outside of a building to permit access to build and/or repair it. Prior to Use Prior to using scaffolding, inspect the scaffold to ensure that: Base is level and adjusted All braces are in place and locking devices are secured Planks,...
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When working outdoors, especially in warmer weather, the chances of encountering a snake is quite common. Ensure that you are adequately protected from snakes, and aware of proper safety procedures when encountering and/or dealing with a snake. Protect Yourself When working in areas prone to snakes, workers should wear personal...
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Falling objects are one of the primary causes of injury on construction sites. More than 50,000 "struck by falling object" recordables occur every year in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Many of these injuries are preventable. Here's what you can do to prevent injuries from...
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A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is a written procedure which helps determine the safest way to complete any given job. Potential hazards for a job are identified, as well as preventative measures to keep the worker completing the job as safe as possible. It serves as a teaching tool to...
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Dams have been around for many years; in fact, the world’s oldest dam dates back to around 1319 -1304 BC in Syria. Whether a dam is old or new, big or small it is always important to be very cautious and aware when working around them or on them. As...
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There are many factors, when working in the construction and trades industry, that can contribute to poor air quality. Indoor air quality can be negatively affected by factors such as: Chemicals Dusts Airborne contaminants Lack of airflow Solvents Smoking Dust or dirt in ductwork Improper ventilation Outdoor air quality can be...
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Construction sites are often high-traffic, busy areas. To keep visitors safe, it is of vital importance that contractors and visitors alike know their responsibilities on site. Contractor Responsibilities It is a contractor’s responsibility to keep all persons on site safe, including workers, subcontractors, and visitors. When allowing visitors at the...
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