“Distractions are a major danger to workplace safety and one of the leading causes of injuries. The most common distractions include fatigue, mobile phone use and using headphones to listen to music” - smallbiztrends.com, Workplace Safety Issues Reducing workplace distractions greatly improves both personal and site safety. Always follow the...
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“There are many reported accidents where the labourer fails to read the material data sheets and appropriately handle hazardous or unsafe material” - smallbiztrends.com, Workplace Safety Issues Reading the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) before handling any substance, especially if you are not familiar with the substance, is extremely important....
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Communication is essential to safety! It is important to understand the dangers associated with each task you are required to perform. In addition, it is essential to be aware of other work that is being performed in and/or around shared work areas. Work conditions can change by the day, hour...
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The first overlooked worksite safety practice is awareness. If employees are not made aware of the dangers they face in the workplace, the burden falls on management to ensure they do. Awareness is a critical component to working safely that is often overlooked. It is critically important that before ever...
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"From our investigation we discovered that more than half, 55 per cent, of amputation injuries were due to inadequate safety provisions at the workplace, such as the lack of proper machine guarding and risk management." - Mr. Sam Tan, Minister of State Manpower, Taiwan. Understanding where you should and should...
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Inspections are important tools in maintaining a safe work environment. A planned walk-through of a site provides you with the opportunity to: Identify & report potential hazards Examine existing and potential hazards Recommend corrective action Take steps to cut or reduce hazards Communicate with workers Here's what you need to...
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In the construction industry, the work day is often longer than the traditional 9-5. Working extended hours can have an impact on the health and safety of workers. Key factors to consider about worker safety are exposure limits and fatigue. Fatigue Working longer hours can result in sleep loss...
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Working in cold environments can present many risks to workers. To stay safe when working in cold temperatures, workers should know a variety of ways to reduce exposure to the cold. Worker cold-safety includes: Planning Ahead Before working outside, plan ahead by: Checking forecasts for weather updates and alerts in your...
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Falls are on the primary causes of injury on construction sites. Common fall hazards include, but are not limited to: Unprotected edges, openings, and floor holes Improper use of scaffolding Lack or misuse of PPE Missing protective devices Misuse of equipment, such as ladders Poor lighting Slippery surfaces Prevent falls on...
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Adhesives come in many different forms, and can vary in hazards. General hazards when using adhesives on site include respiratory and skin irritation. To keep yourself safe while using adhesives, take the following risk control measures: Ventilation Some commercial and industrial adhesives can release toxic vapours which be harmful to...
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