Guest Blogger: Simon Mac Innes
Complacency is perhaps one of the biggest problems in industry when completing our day to day tasks. When we become “used” to things being a certain way each time we observe them, we often become oblivious to the hazards they present.
When it comes to safety, complacency can have fatal outcomes. Each moment we work with hazardous energy, whether it be a large production machine, forklift, automobile, power tools, electricity or even walking from one end of the facility to the other, we must be aware of the potential danger in our surroundings.
All too often we don’t realize how complacent we are until we have a near miss or close call. These events tend to jump start our hearts and refocuses our attention on the task at hand.
One technique found to be effective in battling complacency in our own actions is to watch the actions of others while they work. This has a dual-fold effect in that it raises our awareness and in sharing our observations with our coworkers it can help them to do their job in a safer manner by also increasing their awareness.
In a safety respect, avoiding complacency in the workplace takes continuous effort and a proactive approach. From rigorously following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), completing Job hazard analysis and going through checklists to consistently rechecking and challenging ourselves with “what ifs,” we are taking positive steps in creating an injury free workplace!
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