Dull blades will roughly rip through grass, leaving behind raggedly torn tips on the ends of the individual grass blades. And that can cause the grass to turn brown and leave your lawn more susceptible to disease and pests. Sharp blades, on the other hand, cut grass quickly and cleanly, resulting in a neatly trimmed, healthier lawn. So, each year, prior to the start of the mowing season, sharpen the blade of your lawnmower. And if you regularly scalp the ground or hit rocks, you’ll need to sharpen it again midway through the season. There are few different ways to sharpen lawnmower blades, including using a bench grinder, hand file, rotary tool, or angle grinder. But here’s a quicker, easier and more accurate method: use a drill and sharpening stone that’s specifically designed for putting a cutting edge back onto dull lawnmower blades READ HERE
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