Most people spend a significant amount of time in their vehicles. If you are one of those that live in your car and, especially those with kids, you know how... read more →
The consortium building Ottawa’s $2.1-billion phase-one LRT line has confirmed it will hand over the project to the city in a state of operational readiness by March 31 READ HERE
REGINA—Thousands of small-scale geothermal boreholes have been drilled across Canada over the past several years for home heating, but until now, the country has not tapped into the clean source... read more →
One of the most common reasons people shy away from woodworking is that they think they need a huge garage or workspace. But you can successfully set up a small... read more →
Cooper Equipment Rentals added the Trench Safety division to its products and services in 2016 as part of our ongoing commitment to safety, and to meeting customers’ broader equipment needs,”... read more →
1864- Charing Cross Station, a central rail station, opens in London, England.
The Toronto-based regional air carrier is moving into an existing hangar and will create 18 full-time positions to perform daily overnight maintenance on two Bombardier Q400 aircraft that will return... read more →
Cummins and Hyundai jointly developed an electric powered mini excavator in October 2018, designed to operate for a full eight-hour shift and recharge in under three hours. According to Cummins,... read more →
Kirkland Lake Gold announced record levels of annual and quarterly production from its mines in northeastern Ontario and Australia. The Toronto-based global miner said total 2018 production at its three... read more →
1946 - UN General Assembly meets for 1st time in London.