Stay up to date on industry-related news with Hard Hat Hunter. Here are 5 stories to check out today.
1. Cementation recognized as one of Canada’s Safest Employers for 2017
Canada’s Safest Employers Awards Cementation is a mine and facilities contracting and engineering company.
2. Renewable energy is creating US jobs twice as fast as any other industry
Solar panel installer and wind turbine technician jobs are expected to grow 105% and 95% respectively in the next 10 years.
3. Tesla Offers Glimpse at Future of Solar With Puerto Rico Project
In 2016, only 2% of Puerto Rico’s electricity came from renewable sources. Faced with rebuilding the grid, the island is turning to solar and Tesla is quickly making things happen.
4. America’s shortage of truck drivers could affect prices and cause delivery delays
The trucking industry in the United States needs about 90,000 new truck drivers per year, but recruiters are having a hard time meeting demand. Companies are trying to attract young drivers by offering to pay for training.
5. Philippines open pit mining ban could be lifted before year end
The newly-elected Philippine Government plans on lifted the current ban on open-pit mining. Under the previous Government, more than half of the mines were shut down or suspended.
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